About Us

About Us

The Taapioca Restaurant was started in 2018 in Kerala, originally as a speciality restaurant exclusively for tapioca dishes. It was later converted into a multi-cuisine restaurant serving all kinds of dishes. Situated in the heart of Kochi city in Kaloor with ample parking space, Taapioca firmly believes that healthy food is the most important criterion in creating a healthy community. As part of such an initiative, we have adopted a principle by which we prepare our dishes with minimum artificial ingredients. We don’t reuse oil nor do we add aginomotto in our dishes. The Taapioca was featured in several Prime Tv channels and newspapers for its variety in food and the quality of the dishes. We will soon be launching more restaurants in different parts of Kerala as well as in other States of India. At Taapioca, we believe that customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth publicity is the key behind the success of any restaurant, and we have decided to reward our privileged customers with our Taapioca Smiley Rewards Program.

Our Restaurant

The Right Ingredients
for the Right Food.

Intrinsicly incubate compelling experiences rather than cross functional catalysts for change. Collaboratively morph cross-unit functionalities.

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